Population Services International (PSI) External Vacancy Announcement
Job Position – Youth Innovation Champion (YIC)
Required Qualification and Experience
Education : At least High School Complete (Grade 10 or 12 complete), university/college student or fresh graduate. 2 years of experience in youth club or extracurricular activities,
Conversant with the local language and cultural context of the respective region where the application is made.
18-24 years old
Knowledge of the candidate’s at least one language of the respective regional language is a must for candidates applying from regions and the ability to translate to and from English or Amharic to local language is also necessary.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
Youth Innovation Champions are adolescents and youths age of 18-24 who will be engaged in PSI and co-design and be involved in implementation process of family planning programs for rural adolescents in Ethiopia. We believe that young people are experts on identifying adolescent reproductive health issues. Young people are generally more effective than adults at understanding the needs of their peers and knowing how to reach and engage them because of their deep experience and understanding of adolescence and young adulthood in Ethiopia.
You will work under the supervision of a youth engagement advisor, PSI/Ethiopia. More specifically, you will:
Attend training on how to interact with rural 15-19-year-old girls and boys to generate insight and influence decisions in the program.
Conduct formative research, collect data, and contribute towards insight generation, synthesis, and prototyping stages.
Provide feedback on prototypes, bring the youth perspective to interpret the feedback on prototypes, shape the discussion on what is feasible, how to accommodate feedback from end users, and suggest channels that may not be obvious to adult audiences.
Participate actively in interpreting the feelings of rural adolescents and giving inputs that help design.
Write reports after each engagement based on the young designers’ reporting format.
Attend various awareness creation and advocacy events whenever invited by the team to be the voice of the 15-19-year-old rural adolescents.
Interact with youth champion groups to get insight on rural adolescents.
Key Result Areas:
Participation in trainings and events
Facilitation and engagement
Insight generation
Contribution to prototype development, testing and implementation.
Supporting research and reporting
Required number: Pool
Based in: 11 regions (Afar, Benishangul, Central Ethiopia, Dire Dawa, Gambella, Harari, Sidama, Somali, South Ethiopia, Southwest Ethiopia, Tigray)
Deadline: December 26, 2024
How to Apply
3 steps application process:
1. Fill out the mandatory application form using the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7LiczSHmKkeXmlSatbokcO3sltrh3UpBpQAHIecpn-lUOUdMVVRHU1dWU1dHRzZOTjlJMEQ4TlkyMCQlQCNjPTEu
It will only take 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Send your CV and application letter to recruitment@psiet.org clearly mark “Application for Youth Innovation Champion (YIC) Position” in the subject line.
3. Check your email and make sure you receive an automatic response acknowledging receipt of your CV. If you don’t receive the automatic response, check again your subject line and if needed, re-submit your CV and application letter with the correct subject.
NB:-Whenever you are looking for in Ethiopia, just remember Elelanajobs.
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